This week in Villanova history … February 4, 1983

By Suzanne Reynolds ’83

Students will be randomly assigned numbers by a computerized system in the Housing Lottery this semester. “This system improves the integrity, since students cannot switch numbers, and it eliminates the possibility of the same number being distributed twice, or that the box containing the number is not mixed properly,” according to Chris Janosik, director of residence life.

The Housing Lottery will consist of three phases. In Phase I, students will receive their assigned lottery number through the mail. Previously, students drew their lottery number from a box.

During this phase, students may reserve or tentatively reserve their rooms. Phase I will occur before Spring Break.

The lottery cutoff numbers will be posted prior to Spring Break. Those eligible for on-campus housing will enter Phase II.

In Phase II, students may change current residence to another room or dormitory. Students will be assembled according to the exact order of their lottery number and by class status. Janosik specified that students must be on time to obtain their numerical position.

Previously, Phase II required students to assemble on days designated for each class. “With this revision,” Janosik said, “students will benefit in terms of not having to stand in lines or coming at certain hourly segments.”

An additional phase will enable students to improve their newly acquired room assignment. Students may switch rooms obtained in Phase II for another available room. Phase III will occur in March or April.

Students not eligible for on-campus housing may request to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will give students an opportunity to later obtain available housing. Students will be positioned on the list in order of the lottery number drawn.

In addition to the changes in the lottery procedure, all incoming freshmen for the 1983-1984 school year will be guaranteed on-campus housing. “However, for the school year 1984-1985, two consecutive years of on-campus housing will not be guaranteed,” according to Janosik. Janosik noted that the availability of housing also depends upon the completion of a new dormitory. Construction of this residence will begin in the spring.

According to Janosik, “The quota for incoming freshmen will be 200 more than the present year. Juniors and seniors should anticipate the cutoff number to be lower, thus lower their possibility in the lottery.”

The new Housing Lottery System was planned by a committee consisting of RSA President Ted Wilm, Head Resident Assistant Dan Berninger, two resident assistants and Janosik. The committee has been meeting for one year to revise the present lottery system.

“This computerized system will be less costly since it requires less time and manpower and it will be easier for the students,” said Janosik. “It is conceivable to computerize the whole system,” Janosik added, “but whether or not this is desirable is left to the students.”

Students will receive a brochure next week explaining the revised housing lottery system.