Conferences simulate real-world job hunt
February 6, 2003
During the past week hundreds of University students flocked to the Villanova Room to take part in the school’s annual Career Conferences.
The conferences ran for three days. Monday was geared towards business students, Tuesday towards sciences and engineering and Wednesday towards liberal arts.
Over 100 companies were represented during the three-day period.
Each conference was held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and welcomed an array of students from every class and major.
Career Services Director Nancy Dudak said the conference format was selected deliberately. “We wanted to simulate the atmosphere for students so that they can become more comfortable with talking to employers and looking for jobs before they graduate,” she said.
Bridget Bowers, career counselor liaison for the arts students, said giving students this chance to interact with employers and each other was a good way to teach networking skills.
Many students reacted positively to the conference. Junior civil engineer Mamie Lynch, who was looking for a summer internship, said that she found the experience “extremely helpful and the atmosphere comforting.”
Junior comprehensive sciences major Kim Hartman also found the conference beneficial. “It is really a great opportunity to meet companies and look for internships,” Hartman said.
One of the biggest employer turnouts came on Wednesday night for the liberal arts conference.
Bowers said she worked hard to get more companies to meet with the liberal arts majors.
“I was a psychology major,” Bowers said.
“I know how it is when you don’t feel like you know what you’re going to do. This is a great chance to meet companies from all over that may offer you that solution.”
Bowers offered a few suggestions for students searching for internships or full-time employment.
She suggested that job seekers read up on companies online and ask questions.
She also discussed the importance of making connections, saying, “It’s all about the networking. Who you know in life can get you very far.”