As a senior communication major, I have had the opportunity to intern at Philadelphia Magazine this semester. Here is a description of my typical day at work, from nine to five:
8:53 a.m. – Catch train from Bryn Mawr heading into Center City: coffee, ticket and Bridget Jones-esque British novel in hand, career wear on.
9:20 a.m. – Arrive at Suburban Station, toss coffee cup into garbage, begin fast-paced walk away from City Hall and past the Downtown Cosi, (wow, that bread looks great!) up Market Street to 1818 – home of Philly Mag.
9:25 a.m. – Risk life by leaping into an elevator that has already begun to close, wearing a pair of those extremely unpractical pointy-toed stiletto boots that every woman who is any woman just had to have this winter! Avoiding eye contact with the professional-looking man whose foot I may or may not have just speared with a stiletto, daintily press button for the 36th floor.
9:30 a.m. – The race is over! Arrive at Philadelphia Magazine’s office where my intern cubicle awaits – remove wool coat, turn on computer and access my Philly Mag e-mail account. Check inbox for requests for help from editors and respond accordingly. If the red flashing telephone light happens to be illuminated, type in personal code and retrieve messages while carefully recording important information such as phone numbers correctly. (Just as any good editorial intern should!)
10 – 11 a.m. – Attend weekly meeting in the large conference room with those persons listed in the magazine’s masthead- sitting around the oval boardroom table is everyone from the highly respected editor-in-chief to myself! Listen to the editorial team discuss upcoming deadlines and stories with their signature quirky style and wit- Philadelphia Magazine is created by quite a diverse group of people who bring a great deal of fun to the (boardroom!) table.
11 a.m.- 1 p.m. – Verify information for various magazine pieces by visiting websites or by calling PR representatives, clothing designers, painters and restaurant owners. Check for correct spelling and phone numbers in order to ensure that everything printed in the magazine is indeed correct. (This is an opportunity to familiarize myself with all the “City of Brotherly Love” has to offer – from its swanky clubs to its fabulous shops, not to mention its highly-acclaimed dining destinations!)
1 – 2 p.m. – Head downstairs with other interns to the Marathon Grill – a charming and delicious café, conveniently located in the lobby! Chat about each other’s lives, weekends, sagas, etc. over an eclectic mix of wraps, sandwiches, smoothies and soups.
2 – 5 p.m. – Take elevator back to the 36th floor feeling a bit more energized and resume editorial intern tasks- returning any messages people may have left during lunch. Continue fact-checking stories for the magazine. Occasionally, myself or one of the other interns will even be sent on a field trip to places including the Free Library or City Hall, perhaps even Barnes & Noble located in beautiful Rittenhouse Square.
5 p.m. – It’s a wrap! Pack up bag, put coat on and say goodbye to the inhabitants of nearby cubicles- walk towards open elevator and slink in, pressing the “L” button while feeling a sense of editorial intern accomplishment. Retrace steps back to Suburban Station, this time down Market Street toward City Hall. Descend staircase into 16th Street entrance and catch the 5:15 p.m. train home. Reflect upon a day well spent for someone whose dream is to become an editor of a magazine dedicated to all things stylish – from adorable accessories to trendy watering holes mixing up tasty ‘tinis, hopefully this internship is helping me make my dream into a reality!
For more information about Philadelphia Magazine, visit their website at Visit SAC 451 and speak to Joan Prendergast or John O’Leary in the liberal arts internship office.