It was a lesson instilled upon our generation at an early age. With every Christmas came a sadness and unwillingness to allow the season to pass. We weren’t quite sure how to say, “Goodbye.” But, as our furry friends on Sesame Street showed us, (and how else, but through song) we never really had to; “Keep Christmas with you, all through the year. When Christmas is over, still sing some Christmas cheer.” As Big Bird helped solidify our hearts and memories almost 20 years ago, today, we approach the end of our time at “The Villanovan” and Villanova with the same resolve. We will keep Villanova with us, all through the years.
The lights in front of Dougherty, the soaring tree in Connelly, and the manger, looking out on to Lancaster, remind us in our own special, wildcat way that Christmas is once again here. They, also, signal the end of the fall semester and our last issue as Features editors for “The Villanovan.” As we write our final words, we realize this year’s gifts won’t come in a box or in a card. For us, “All we want for Christmas…we already got from Villanova.” Join us in song and thanksgiving as we travel through our years as Villanovans.
“Santa baby, fill my stocking with a duplex and checks…” It’s time to stop hitting that snooze button and get to work. After years of papers, projects and presentations we must now put our education into practice. Four years ago, we left the comfort of milk and cookies and met at the Oreo for the first time. As our parents waved goodbye, they left their little girls and their trust in the Villanova community. Professors carefully guided our studies and showed us a world outside of the classroom. They understood our passions and fueled new thought. We quickly realized that a grade was for a semester, but the lessons were for life. From this Villanova experience, follows a world of success. We thank you, Villanova, for the careers we are now prepared to embark upon and the professional satisfaction that lies ahead.
“O holy night…” We spent many nights at “The Villanovan” witnessing the dawn of a new day. But, nothing has been more gratifying than what we leave behind tonight. As we gulped down the last can of Pepsi or munched on the last piece of cold pizza, we submitted our final copies and anxiously awaited the appreciation of admiring eyes on Friday morning. After countless interviews, articles, and catchy headlines, we turn the page on a new generation. We now celebrate our successor, the “Feature Presentation”; and while we may no longer ask, “What up with That?”, we will always be part of “This week in Villanova history.” We thank you, Villanova, for allowing us to leave our mark on 79 years of journalism excellence.
“Here we come a caroling…” It was through song that Villanova taught us the pride of being a Villanovan. Soon, there won’t be a sea of V-shirts to remind us, but we know “V” will always stand for V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Although we may no longer sing our cheers in unison, our hearts will carry the beat forever. As we hand over our student section to a new breed of wildcats, we join those who came before us in the song of our “Alma Mater.” “When we leave your shelt’ring walls, / We shall leave an echo ringing / Through your treasured halls.” We thank you, Villanova, for always being music to our ears.
“I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams…” They say all good things must come to an end. But, the Class of 2004 knows that “Creating moments together, the tradition lasts forever.” From freshman dorms, where we struggled to stay afloat, to senior year, where it was never a question of ‘sink or swim’, we managed to keep it together, by doing it together. Although our time here has passed, we will come back, “if only in our dreams.” We thank you, Villanova, for giving us the most precious keepsake of all, our memories.
It’s not easy to accept the finality of these parting words. Yet, we realize the incredible honor and responsibility that has been entrusted to us. There are only a handful of Villanovans who ever have the opportunity to express their thoughts and appreciation in such a manner. It is impossible to capture every sentiment, for Villanova has meant something different to each one of us. But, as we close the door to the office and our section, for the last time, we leave you with this holiday wish; “May all your Christmases be blue and white.”