possible story idea

[email protected]

greetings good editors of the wildcat variety:

word on the street is you’re looking for a good story idea?

we’ve got a doozy for ya. remember earlier this year when the national press made a big fuss about the “voting is for old people” shirt that was being sold by Urban Outfitters? That shirt was produced by our silly little t-shirt company (www.vintagevantage.com) and was taken way out of context by everybody from the Harvard Political Institute to Russell Simmons. If you don’t remember, you can check out our press page – www.vintagevantage.com/press.html, starting around february.

Basically, these press types just didn’t get it, didn’t understand why the shirt was funny. So we decided it would be fitting if we turned the whole thing around on ’em. We’re giving the voting shirts away for free (check this link – www.vintagevantage.com/voteforfree.html) to anybody who PROMISES to send us a picture of them wearing the shirt while voting at the polls on Nov 2. We’re going to compile all of the pictures and post them on the site, proving once and for all that young people CAN comprehend irony and participate in the political process at the same time.

So… let me know if that sounds interesting to ya. Definitely check out the website, including the VVIP Lounge (www.vintagevantage.com/vvip.html) – we’ve developed a bit of a cult following around the globe and that might make for a good story as well. Or you may have some other ideas, we’re pretty much open to anything. I can answer questions over the phone, over email, whatever’s clever.
