This week, “The Real World” can be summed up by a phrase we have all heard when discussing a wedding: “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.” Now, you all may seem skeptical, but don’t worry, just go with this one.
Something old: While at a festival in the city, Willie runs into an old flame of his, Dan, and they catch up with each other, as well as rekindle some of their relationship.
Something new: We finally see a bit more from Melanie, as her and Sarah have a heart-to-heart over a comment Melanie made about money; MJ and the rest of the roommates discuss their hesitation and general feelings of awkwardness in dealing with some new issues in their lives.
Something borrowed: Landon and MJ open up their room for Sarah and Vonda, while Willie and Dan spend the night in their bedroom.
Something blue: J-E-A-N-S. Sarah bought a pair of rather expensive jeans, about which Melanie made a comment to some of the roommates. Sarah takes a quick trip to the gym and the confessional to blow off steam, and explain that she can get self-conscious quickly and takes money personally. However, she avoided a scream-fest, and took Melanie aside to talk it out which was “rather mature” in Melanie’s opinion (and I tend to agree).
Next week we see a bit more from Karamo, as the previews showed an argument with MJ after an incident with the police in a club … stay tuned!
‘Nova Students Speak Out…
“MJ needs to get over his rainbow-phobia. Gay friends are still your friends.” -Broc Flores, sophomore
“I was impressed how Sarah handled her quarrel with Melanie rather then breaking out in the traditional ‘Real World’ cat fight.” -Joe Hawkins, freshman
“I am shocked at how much MJ has been sheltered his whole life. His reaction to the homosexual people entering the house reflects on his lack of knowledge of the gay community and I feel like he will greatly change throughout the show as he is exposed more to this lifestyle.” -Kristin Tan, sophomore
“I bet like a million people are talking about the issue about the jeans right now – ha-ha” -Maureen Vidulich, sophomore