Well, reality fans, it’s been a crazy few weeks. I know many of you had a rough fall break wondering what you would do without the “Real World” updates.
Have no fear; the long arduous wait is over. Over the past few weeks, we saw the roommates find out about their job and get closer, in more ways than one.
The roommates will be working for the Philadelphia Soul, the local arena football team (co-owned by Jon Bon Jovi), promoting for the team and building a playground sponsored by the team. I thought it was especially cool that the roommates got to meet Bon Jovi, get autographs and take pictures.
They all seem to be happy with the job, unlike past seasons, and the job hits home for MJ, who was nearly drafted into the NFL prior to the show, and still misses playing the sport.
After Shavonda broke up with her boyfriend, she shared a few conversations with Landon about their current flirtatious situation. Without getting too into the details, let’s just say that they might have an interesting future.
As for this week, I am making an early apology for not being as in-depth as usual about the show, but I was pulling double duty watching the Yankees/Red Sox game, and if you watched the game, you know all about it. (Go Yankees!)
So, there were some relationships heating up between Willie and Dan, as well as Karamo and Darion (a worker at the gym the roommates belong to). The respective couples go clubbing, dancing and share a few kisses and walks together.
However, what struck me about this episode was the blatantly obvious tension between some of the roommates and Melanie, who was openly rude towards Landon and Willie during the cast’s tour of some local parks for their project. One can only guess how this could turn out, as “The Real World” is notorious for these types of confrontations.
I foresee some drama with Melanie, but that is not much of a surprise to anyone who knows the show.
Things between Shavonda and Landon can take a turn in either direction. Next week appears to bring Landon’s drinking to the foreground, which is reminiscent of the early trouble with Ruthie from the Hawaii cast.
Nova Students Speak Out
“I think that the roommates need to be more open about their feelings, especially towards Melanie, who was really rude to Landon when he was suggesting his idea on the playground. She is definitely going to be the over-dramatic roommate.” – Joseph Hawkins, freshman