Students Take Advantage of Warmer Weather
Students gather outside the Quad to enjoy the warm temperatures.
March 17, 2021
On Mar. 10, the University’s Main Campus flooded with masked students sitting and walking outdoors to enjoy the sunlight and warm weather that reached into the mid 60s.
For the first time since the fall semester, the University’s campus was filled with happy and safe students congregating outside.
For many, including nursing student Kylie Barton, it was a day that lifted spirits and contributed to mental health improvement during a semester with an abundance of hardships and abnormalities.
“Today definitely improved my mood,” Barton said. “It was nice to see so many people sitting outside. Usually nobody sits outside, and it feels lonely, but today the green spaces around campus were filled with people.”
The wave of warm weather that began this week prompted positive reactions from the University health department as well. The CDC and health administrators have warned the public of the increased likeliness of spreading COVID-19 when gathering indoors. Outdoor gatherings in which people maintain social distancing and wear masks have been deemed much safer than those indoors.
Mary E. McGonigle, Ph.D., Director of Villanova University Health Center, expressed her excitement about the warmer weather for the sake of the community’s health and safety.
“Getting outside is great,” McGonigle said. “We are happy to see the warm weather and people taking advantage of the opportunity to be together outside, while still maintaining our CARITAS commitment to wear our masks and practice social distancing.”
As students enter the second half of this spring semester next week, McGonigle conveyed delight about the community’s work so far to remain on campus throughout the semester.
“We are so close to finishing the school year in person,” McGonigle said. “I am so proud of the Villanova community. Keep up the good work!”
Sophomore Jordan Alvarado took a study break to spend quality time with friends and get some fresh air.
“Even with midterms coming up, I couldn’t help but go outside and play basketball with a few of my friends,” Alvarado said. “The weather was too nice to ignore. We all put our masks on, grabbed a few balls, played good music and headed to the basketball court for a few hours.”
Students did work, took online classes, ate lunch and tossed footballs outdoors all day long. Molly Mook, a student who lives in Sullivan Hall on the quad, commented about her experience.
“After finishing my last class of the day, I walked out of Bartley Hall and saw so many students in the quad,” Mook said. “There was such good energy. People were studying on blankets, playing football, talking with friends and a speaker was blasting some old hits. It felt like a classic college vibe and made me so excited for spring on campus.”
The simple change in weather created a campus environment that people had not seen in months. This day reminded so many community members about the importance of the Caritas Commitment. As students enjoyed this beautiful day, they hoped to see many more for the remainder of the semester.