Von Euw/Pedra win SGA runoff
April 6, 2006
After another week after rumors, campaign signs, bright t-shirts, buttons and other campaigning materials that flooded campus, the SGA elections came to an end.
At 12:30 p.m. Friday, current SGA president John Ambrose delivered the results of the presidential run-off election between the John Von Euw/ Dave Pedra ticket and the Ryan Bendinelli/Diane Ditzel ticket.
The Von Euw/ Pedra ticket won the run-off election with 1,124 votes, while Bendinelli and Ditzel gathered 863 votes.
“I can’t explain how excited I am,” Von Euw, the new SGA president, said. “It was a great campaign, but this is just the beginning. We want to do so many things for SGA in the upcoming year, and I’m just really glad we won.”
While Pedra was also overjoyed by the results of the election, he was more relieved that the election finally came to an end, and that now he could move on from it.
“I could barely breathe the past couple of days just waiting for the results,” Pedra, the new SGA vice president said. “But while we put in a lot of work, the people who helped us campaign and put this all together deserve so much credit because even thought it was John and I who were elected, it’s the people behind-the-scenes who made it happen.”
Bendinelli was gracious in defeat saying, “We tried our best, that’s all. And I just want to congratulate John and Dave.”
The results of the election were not all that important for Ambrose because he said that “either ticket that won would have done a great job in office.”
“Both has SGA experience and I know that I when I leave, SGA would have been in good hands either way. That said, I just want to congratulate both campaigns on working so hard because the election really could have gone either way, and congratulations to John and Dave for winning,” he added.