J.Rod’s Music World
September 14, 2006
With Audioslave’s third studio release, “Revelations,” the band shows that they can indeed still rock out. The third album treads similar ground as their previous album, “Out of Exile,” but is more focused on maintaining a hard rock edge. Lead singer Chris Cornell is in fine form, most notably on tracks “Jewel of the Summertime” and “Somedays.” We get the same guitar pyrotechnics from guitarist Tom Morello, as well as some great straight up jamming.
Although “Revelations” follows a format similar to their second studio release, Audioslave’s music still packs a punch. Cornell admits that it is the most political album to date for the band, as can be heard on tracks “Shape of Things to Come” and “Wide Awake.” This turn only makes sense, considering the company he keeps.
Former Rage Against the Machine members certainly would certainly have a lot to say about current political situations. Morello and drummer Brad Wilk are very active with the group The Axis of Justice, a touring group founded to raise awareness about political and social injustice around the world. The group includes member from System of A Down, Audioslave and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
“Revelations” is a good hard rock soundtrack from some of today’s most talented musicians. It is a great pick-up for fans of the band as well as people looking for edgy, experimental alternative.
Check these tracks: “Sound of a Gun,” “Somedays” and “Revelations.”
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars