University should not be judged on surface
September 16, 2006
I would like to respond to Chris Belotti’s last opinion article, “Says what he meant, meant what he said.”
I understand that many of us would like to see Villanova made even more beautiful than it already is, but I, as well as Bellotti, both know that the renovation suggestions he made are both unrealistic and outlandish. Rather than getting angry at things he thinks are “ugly,” I suggest that he try and appreciate their inner beauty. For instance, Chris, you would think more of Jake Nevin if you cared to realize that the 1985 basketball team played their home games in there. Or that many Special Olympics events are held in there every November. The history of the building is what makes it beautiful. The Palestra isn’t much to look at either, but try and have it torn down and you’ll have just as much luck with the Sistine Chapel.
Tolentine is a similar situation. Past Villanovans who have gone on to accomplish many great things walked those halls. Call it cheesy, but I sometimes feel honored to be learning in the same classrooms as the greats before me. The stairs and the heat didn’t stop them from learning. And I’m sorry to inform you that you are not the first to think that Tolentine needs some renovation. The fact is, renovations would take away a lot of classroom space, along with the old “collegey” feel many of us have grown to love.
As for the football team, those men are hard-working, dedicated individuals. Playing any sport at the D-1 level is a full-time job. Attend a few practices, and see how grueling they are; I think you will find climbing the stairs in Tolentine to be a breeze after that. At a lot of other D-1 schools you probably wouldn’t even see many athletes around campus. Villanova holds its athletes to the same academic standards as you. Maybe you’re confusing ego with exhaustion. A certain amount of responsibility comes with having your thoughts and ideas printed in a newspaper. Please don’t fall into to the trend of simply complaining about our campus without obtaining full knowledge of what you are complaining about. It’s easy to point out flaws; I challenge you to try to offer practical solutions to any future problems you address. Make a difference with your writing.
Jay Wright told me that the people are what make Villanova such an amazing place – I happen to agree with him.
– Dave Pasick ’08
(Response from Chris Bellotti)
I welcome your response. While giving a tour Tuesday and upon passing Tolentine, I even included your plea that you felt was cheesy. By the same token, you cannot let buildings sit around simply because they have history. History does not mean that it should not be renovated. Yankee Stadium has been the home of over 20 World Championships and countless historical moments. The new Yankee Stadium will be completed prior to the next decade. The same holds true for Jake Nevin. You can leave the 1985 court, but our face needs some work. I also agree with Coach Wright and respect how his players act like members of our Villanova community should act – with respect for their peers and fans. I hold the same standards for the basketball team as I do for any Villanova athletic team. I do not doubt that the football team has equally, if not more, demanding practices and workouts. I am also aware that being D-1-AA is not the team’s fault. I am a fan of the team on the field and go to most of their games. When it comes to athletes, however, I am more affected by their play outside the lines.