10 totally random questions for…
September 25, 2007
What kind of car do you drive?A hard question already! OK, well there are two. Sometimes I drive my dad’s truck, a ’96 Ford Explorer. There’s a rack on the top for my snowboard and surfboard; I can pile my friends in the back and go to the beach – I really love it. Technically “my car” is the ’99 Mercedes SLK my dad bought me, but I don’t like it. I’d rather be driving the truck.
What’s the worst job you ever had? This past summer I worked for this guy who owns three different stores: a catering company, a deli and a party rental and balloon store. I had to do all kinds of setups and pickups and random jobs, 12-hour days, rain or shine … it was pretty bad. The only thing that kept me sane was that I did it with my best friend.
What will you be doing this time next year? Hopefully, law school.
You do so much on campus. What do you get the most out of? Out of all the things I’ve done, I’d say New Student Orientation is the most challenging but at the same time one of the best experiences ever. You train all day long the week before. It’s really emotionally and physically draining, but what you get out of it is amazing. You learn a lot about yourself and about the new students, and everything you do is to help others, to help the new students learn and love Villanova.
What’s your time management secret?Don’t sleep! I’m a big “enjoy the day, work at night” guy. I get all of my best work done at night. It got to the point where the lady who runs the Spit knew me, and when Public Safety would come at 2 a.m. to kick everyone out, she’d be like, “He’s good; let him stay.”What’s your favorite place to eat on campus?I’m going to have to go with the I.K. Love the I.K. And I love the chili at Villanova, so once in a while I go to the Pit to get that.
What group would you classify yourself as in high school?I was definitely a jock. I played football, I wrestled, I played lacrosse and I ran track.
What’s your most embarrassing moment at Villanova? I have two. Once, at a Blue Key formal, my pants split. I felt it rip, and I was like, “That’s not good.” The other one was this past Parents Weekend. I was barbequing outside with my roommates and some friends and their parents. At one point everyone was talking about tattoos, and my dad, who had a few beers in him, said, “I have a tattoo of ‘your name’ on my butt!” Everyone was kind of like, “Ha ha, okay.” But he was like, “No, really. I do!” And then … he showed everyone.
What’s your pet peeve?As of late, it’s people that can’t park, especially in Pike and Main Lots. And there’s nothing you can do about it, you know, because they parked and left. I’m from New York, so I have pretty bad road rage.
You’re an O.C., so I have to ask. What is your Fun Fact?When I was 17 I saw a movie with Lindsay Lohan. She was 16, and she and her friends couldn’t buy tickets to see Final Destination 2, since it was rated R. So I was like, “I’m a junior in high school; I’m cool; I can talk to girls,” and I went over and started talking to them. When my friend and I went up to get their tickets, he told me who she was … I hadn’t even realized it! I was freaking out the whole time I was sitting next to her in the movie.