L.A.S.O. ‘Hispanicizes’ the Oreo to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

October 2, 2007
Members of the Latin American Student Organization, L.A.S.O., were out in full force on Sept. 27th “Hispanicizing” the Oreo by passing out non-alcoholic piña coladas and margaritas, playing salsa music and dancing with world-renowned dancer Scott Lazarov, who owns two dance studios, including one in Ardmore.
This event was part of Hispanic Heritage Month, which began Sept.15. As well as creating a fun atmosphere, L.A.S.O. aimed to bring an overall sense of Latin American culture to the Main Line.
By holding an event in the center of campus, L.A.S.O. succeeded in bringing Latin American culture to the student body while simultaneously generating a sense of awareness and curiosity among students for both the organization and Latin American society as a whole.
“[Hispanic Heritage Month] has gone under the radar,” L.A.S.O. Vice President Raul Garcia said, noting the increased effort to promote the celebration of Latin American culture as one of the organization’s main goals this year.
“We want to express different perspectives of the culture,” L.A.S.O. member Elizabeth Toledo said.
Toledo continued by saying, “Regular members, as well as executive members of the club, were there to meet with prospective members and let them know what we do.”
The group currently has about 50 members, and they are optimistic about the prospect for growth based on student interest in L.A.S.O.
Along with “Hispanicizing” the Oreo, L.A.S.O. is known for hosting “Sin Limites” and “Ritmo Latino,” giant dance parties held each semester sponsored by CAT Late Night.
L.A.S.O. also hosts “Carnival,” a yearly event that occurs during the spring semester. “Carnival” is a cultural exposition of the values and traditions that make Latin American culture unique.
L.A.S.O. was created four years ago, and its main concerns include generating a sense of awareness and pride for the Latin American cultures and backgrounds of many Villanova students.