“Everything was alright” on Nov. 16 at Jake Nevin Field House for the annual fall concert, even though the venue was only half-filled and the general admission audience initially appeared aloof and uninterested.
Alternative rockers Motion City Soundtrack headlined the night, while Mae, Anberlin and Metro Station performed opening sets.
The Campus Activities Team coordinated the concert.
“The musical events committee of CAT works very hard every year to bring great acts to entertain students,” said Abbey Carr, CAT’s music events co-coordinator. “We spend a lot of time researching the acts and the preferences of students.”
Both Metro Station and Anberlin set the mood for the night with their sets, and then Mae took the stage.
Though the band members seemed to be playing almost lethargically at first, audience members seemed to respond to their laid-back approach.
The crowd responded when the band performed older music, such as “Suspension,” and the crowd clapped along to “Embers and Envelopes,” the band’s debut single from over four years ago.
As the auditorium lights dimmed, Motion City Soundtrack took the stage to eerie, synthesized, almost extra-terrestrial music, while bright strobe lights flashed and purple and blue lights illuminated the audience. Students rushed the stage in anticipation of Motion City Soundtrack’s pop-punk sound.
Motion City Soundtrack played a wide variety of its music, ranging from its first album to the latest, “Even if it Kills Me.” The band played older songs such as “My Favorite Accident” and new songs such as “This is For Real.”
At one point in the show, lead singer Justin Pierre was accompanied on stage by a pianist introduced to the crowd as Angelina.
Her presence added a softer feeling and mellow, piano-based ballads as opposed to the majority of the music, which was dominated by a harder rock sound.
When Motion City Soundtrack played its next song, “Antonia,” Pierre stopped in the middle, forgetting the lyrics.
The crowd seemed disappointed, as most had been enjoying the performance, but Pierre laughed it off, and the audience enjoyed the rest of the song as if the interruption never happened.
Motion City Soundtrack ended its set with the breakthrough single, “Everything is Alright.” Every student in the audience, including a group of CAT volunteers, sang and danced along.
Many said that the concert was less exciting than others due to the small number of people in a rather large auditorium.
Others said they had expected the concert to be as big as last year’s show, which featured the All-American Rejects.
“I came to see All-American Rejects last year, and it was fun,” sophomore Jeff Smith said.
Many agreed that because more popular artists have performed at the University in the past, the turnout out for Motion City Soundtrack was disappointing.
“Motion City Soundtrack isn’t really that big,” freshman Kevin D’Angelo said. “It would be more popular if someone bigger came.”
Despite the initial unenthusiastic response, the excitement grew as each band performed, culminating with deafening cheers as the lights went out just before Motion City Soundtrack took the stage.
Overall, CAT said the event was a success, despite the turnout.
“The night was practically flawless,” Carr said. “We had a lot of great volunteers that helped the night go quickly, and we all had a lot of fun.”