10 Totally Random Questions for Aaren McLucas
February 13, 2008
1. What prescription are your glasses? Oh wow. I don’t even know. Does it tell you on your glasses? (checks) Let me call my mom …
2. What activities are you involved in at Villanova? Diversity Peer Educators, Asian Students Association, Muticultural Students League, Black Cultural Society, South Asian Multicultural Organized Students Association, Latin American Students Organization and, technically, the yearbook.
3. Out of all those activities, what is your favorite position or organization? Being performance chair of ASA. Tinikling!4. Mac or PC, and why? PC because I’m lazy and don’t want to learn how to use a Mac.
5. What do you think is your biggest accomplishment so far at Villanova this year? Sharing the art and blood of bamboo.
6. What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? Chillaxin’ with my ladies, Mai Linh, etc.
7. What’s your favorite meal on campus? Buffalo Bill Salad from the Corner Grille. It looks beautiful. Then you eat it and feel beautiful.
8. So what exactly goes on in the Multicultural Students League Office across from the IK? Homework, eating, just hanging out. On Fridays we have “Timely Topics,” which is a forum for the students to just talk about what’s going on. We also hold Bible studies and meetings.
9. What was the last movie you saw either in the theaters or at home? “The Incredibles” the other night before the Super Bowl. I loved it. It was phenomenal. Jack Jack rocks my socks. I liked Edna, too.
10. If you could give one piece of advice about anything, what would it be?”Life’s a picnic, and some poor suckers are starving.”