Dear WiseCat,
The days are numbered. I just want to remember those days sitting on the grassy knoll outside Stanford, having Quad parties late at night with sofas and futons, watching the deer roll through West Campus and then heading over to Flip’s for one last karaoke night. So clearly, I am a senior.
Do you have any tips for me before I graduate that you know would be great to do one last time?
Yes, it is true. You are leaving campus, but have no worries; there are so many things for you to do before you peace out. So here is the dish. Let’s reminisce and recreate some of those fab memories that you still can’t quite believe you did.Congrats on the last days at ‘Nova. Don’t forget us because we sure won’t forget you and your antics!
Excursions Anonymous: Head up to the roof of Tolentine and Alumni. You know you want to. It’s clear that you have been trying to trudge up there for years now. Public Safety tries to get you each time, but just make it look like you were looking for books you mysteriously left up on that awkward floor and you’re set.
Take me back to the Barn: Don’t even try to say you don’t know what the Barn is. That ever-so-classy place that you used to ride hours just to get to the best ticket party ever! That ride was just a little too bumpy and you made friends who had to go to the bathroom just as bad as you did. Hey, you loved it and couldn’t even imagine life without it … Oh wait, they outlawed that establishment. Have a night dedicated to the Barn at your current establishment and share old embarrassing stories.
McGuire Fun: Caughlin girls know what I’m talking about. Well, at least this is what I have heard. Rumor has it you should go help out those freshmen who have friends in that fab hall. Show them how you used to prop open the window! Yeah, admit it; you thought it was clever.
Campout: That campout was clutch. Go pop a tent on the SAC Lot. Bring some old basketball games that you taped, paint your face and whip out the half shirt. Yes, there was a different fan shirt back in the day.
IK, Spit, Pit: Have lunch in the IK with your fave friends. Hike over to the Spit and pretend to study. Oh, and don’t forget nacho Friday and breakfast in the Pit.
Activities Forum: Throw your own activities forum and sign up for everything. Because back in the day you know you did that. I mean, you’re still getting e-mails from the craziest club you knew you would never join, but you wanted to look super involved in front of your Orientation group.
Oreo: Fall asleep on the Oreo as you try to get that one last tan. Maybe even sell something at the Oreo for kicks?
Makeout Tree: Basically, if you haven’t visited yet: go.
Facebook: Yes, join that Facebook group called “Bartley Exchange social scene” because you know you are secretly a part of it.
T-Shirt: Make T-shirts for every hall you ever lived in, including your house that you currently claim you are never moving out of despite what your lease says. You want to be a Villanova Wildcat forever!