Jurassic shark: the discovery of Predator X
March 31, 2009
The baddest channel on TV, the History Channel, held a two- hour special on the newest and baddest animal ever to live, Predator X.
This creature is easily the most frightening, ridiculous organism ever, and such a creature deserves only the coolest of names.
Dr. Jørn Hurum took a team of scientists to the Norwegian arctic for an excavation atop the mountains of the Svalbard Islands in search of prehistoric sea creatures.
Although that seems to make no sense, climate change and plate tectonics have caused what was the ocean bottom 150 million years ago to now make up the summits of these peaks.
In his studies of prehistoric animals, Hurum was troubled by the seemingly non-existent animal at the top of the food chain in the world’s oceans, something equivalent to the land-dwelling Tyannosaurus rex. His studies led him to the cold Svalbards, where polar bears out-populate humans 5,000 to 2,000.
After two weeks of digging, Hurum and his team found a piece of rock that they believed held a skull of some sort of sea creature.
Hurum took the piece of rock back to his lab while the rest continued their search.
Once they meticulously chipped away at the rock, Hurum and his team saw what they at first believed to be a Pliosaur, a known oceanic reptile.
However, it was shockingly big. Hurum remarked that the skull was twice the size of the T. Rex’s.
Its weight is estimated around 45 tons, five times the weight of a T. Rex. With a six-foot long mouth and 12-inch teeth, Predator X was certainly all business, all the time.
Once the team arranged the basic idea of the body construction for this new animal, they had to figure out what it did and how it worked. The best way to find out about extinct animals is to learn from living animals with similar characteristics.
Judging from the skull cavity and the location of the eyes on the head, Predator X probably hunted in the manner of a great white shark, lurking in the deep and pouncing ferociously on its unsuspecting prey. Furthermore, the small brain in Predator X was similar to the great white’s.
From this information, they concluded that Predator X had great eye sigh, and could spot prey from deep in the ocean, where its prey would suspect nothing.
Predator X had four flippers, an unusual trait for a sea creature of that size. Using a robot at Vassar College, they determined that Predator X used only two flippers most of the time to conserve energy.
It used the extra two when attacking, making sure that its meal would not have time to react.
With such a massive mouth and jaw, Hurum decided to study the animal with the strongest jaw living today, the alligator. Both the alligator and Predator X have similar muscles and bone structures.
After taking some measurements on the strength of the alligators bite strength, they determined that Predator X’s bite force was probably somewhere over 33,000 pounds, enough to slice through a car like a knife through warm butter.
In his search to find the top of the food chain in the prehistoric oceanic world, Hurum discovered arguably the most ridiculous animal to have ever lived. Predator X could be seen as a combination of a T. Rex, a great white shark, and an alligator.
The special is yet another example of History Channel programming that is unique and entertaining despite its seemingly educational nature. One thing is certain: if this fearsome creature were still around today, we would all need to be a little more afraid to go in the water.